Adelaide Metropolitan Netball Division
City Night Division
08 8238 0500
Netball South Australia - The Home of Netball
Netball South Australia are proud to run the biggest metro netball competitions in the state.
Adelaide Metropolitan Netball Division (AMND) season runs from April - September, and City Night Division (CND) runs from October - March.
All Clubs and teams are welcome.

Welcome to AMND and CND
Netball SA Competitions held at Netball SA Stadium
Please see below for season dates

AMND Season 2025
Team registration open until 5.30pm
14th March 2025​
18 Rounds
Season commences 5th April 25​
No Matches on
19th April - Easter/School Holidays
26th April - Anzac Day
31st May - National Wheelchair Rubgy
7th June - King's Birthday
14th June - CheerCon
12th July - School Holidays
16th August - Aussie Gold
Thursday Night Matches
24th April / 12th June / 14th August
Game Times Saturdays 2.15pm & 3.45
Thursday Night Games 7pm & 8.30pm
14 Rounds
Season commences 12th April 25
No Matches on
19th April - Easter/School Holidays
26th April - Anzac Day Long Weekend
31st May - National Wheelchair Rubgy
7th June - King's Birthday
14th June - CheerCon
12th July - School Holidays
16th August - Aussie Gold
Game Times
Sub-Primary 8am, Primary 9.05am
Sub-Junior 10.10am, Junior 11.15am
Inters & C6 12.45pm
Semi Finals - 6th September
Prelim Final - 13 September
Grand Final - 20 September
All Clubs and Players are welcome to play in the AMND
competition. If you are a player looking to join a club please look in AMND contacts list for your nearest Club.
If new clubs have any questions please send an email or call Netball SA and speak to Caitlin.​​​​
About Us
South Australia's largest netball competitions
The Adelaide Metropolitan Netball Division (AMND) is the largest netball competition in South Australia. It operates on Saturdays from April through to September each year. Approximately 355 teams from 27 clubs play at Netball SA Stadium on the indoor and outdoor courts during the competition. AMND is also proud to have an inclusive C6 grade, for women with intellectual disabilities.
City Night Division (CND) is played from October to March each year, on Tuesday and Friday evenings.
Each player registers with Netball SA through the division and is required to pay a stadium entry fee each weekend. Players enjoy the opportunity to play indoors on the world class wooden sprung floors of Netball SA Stadium, which is also home of the Adelaide Thunderbirds.

Contact Us
Netball SA Stadium
155 Railway Terrace
Mile End
08 8238 0500